Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mythology comes to life.

Dear Leslie,

In year 2001, ‘a set of possible ruins’ were found in India, in the Gulf of Cambay off the cost of Gujrat. This disputed civilization was supposed to be much ancient then any civilization known to man. Due to the under water conditions and poor visibility due to turbidity the excavation process was slow and took sometime to retrieve the artifacts for dating. When the artifacts were finally dated, it took the age of human civilization back up to 9,500 BP (Before Present, as dated from 1950 A.D.), where as Mesopotamian Civilization the oldest known is datable to 5500 BP.

But, what fascinates me the most is the fact that- somewhere we all knew about these civilization.

Below is an extract from Wikipedia describing sinking of Dwaraka (the mythical city from Hindu Mythology) into the ocean.
“Dwaraka Island sank into the ocean, during the epic age. Mahabharata had an entire volume (Book 16) dedicated to this phenomenal geographical change witnessed by many inhabitants of the region

Day by day strong winds blew. Earthen pots showed cracks or broke from no apparent cause. Society became corrupt….

…Arjuna arrived at Dwaraka and addressed the chief officers, to prepare to leave Dwaraka within 7 days, as Dwaraka is going to sink in the ocean. Krishna's grandson Vajra was chosen as their king to be ruled at Indraprastha. Arjuna then proceeded to the place where the Vrishnis (citizens of Dwaraka) were slaughtered… On the seventh day, Arjuna evacuated Dwaraka Island. After all the people had set out, the ocean flooded Dvaraka, which still teemed with wealth of every kind, with its waters. Whatever portion of the ground was passed over, ocean immediately flooded over with his waters. Beholding this wonderful sight, the inhabitants of Dvaraka walked faster and faster.

In an article called- “The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharata War” by Dr. P. V. Vartak mentions the year of Mascara of Yadavas to be 5525 B.C., which happened during the ongoing process of flooding ( Arjuna then proceeded to the place where the Vrishnis (citizens of Dwaraka) were slaughtered…).

Geographically also the place is just apt for where the city could have existed as:

The territory of Dwaraka includes the Dwaraka Island, many neighbouring islands like the Antar Dwipa and the mainland area and also a desert (Thar Desert, at present) is mentioned to be present on the way from Indraprastha (supposed to be near New Delhi) to Dwaraka
Now, what if the mythology that we Hindus were praying all this time was true, what if the seemingly impossible things that we thought happened, the Mahabharata War, the Bridge to Ceylon and everything. I could be just an exaggerated history of the facts that were as true as you and me today.

If one mythological city could have existed so can others, if one legend could have existed so could have others. A world with legendry island of Atlantis and the vessel built on God’s command Noah’s Ark could have existed and are buried deep down in the turmoil of sand and water and resting in piece just to re-tell the legend that we have failed. What if the great flood of Mythology and prehistoric studies were same and there were eye witnesses to the catastrophe.

For detailed article on the ruins found in Gulf of Cambay visit “Gulf of Cambay Cradle of Ancient Civilization” by Badrinaryan Badrinaryan


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