Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Catching up all lost years- 1

Dear Leslie,
Wonder we have lot of catching up to do?
Let me introduce myself. I call myself Maverick on net, which has kind of become a pen name now. It comes from my fascination from Fighter Aircrafts. I dream of serving in Air force and if I am luck I really want to explore the unknown territories out of earth’s gravitational field by being an Astronaut. Speed is what turns me on, it is as if there is nothing ahead of you and nothing can beat you now. I want to experience how it feels to sit in the ball of fire on reentry.
On the contrary, I love peace. I love spending time with nature. There can be nothing better then to lie in long grass and watch sun go down or get up early morning and see the rising red sun from White snow peaked mountains.
I love reading book, especially friction, say stories with magic, sense of joy, victory of good over evil and symbolism which tells a completely different tale. I love writers who have created a whole new world in there imagination and share there legend with the world where imagination seems dead. I hearty thank them for that.
I even read futuristic novels, space fiction and with have science with a twist. The idea of life on other planets has always fascinated me and I too wish to write my novel on my expedition in the dark unknown someday.
I live in a city far far away in the eastern hemisphere of the earth, where time rules people’s lives and everyone runs a race that they can’t win against time. The crowd seems high, rush seems indispensable and emotions of happiness and joy are buried in there graves. I call it city of Loneliness.
A place where friendship seems a profession and relationships a burden, birds of happiness fly high afraid to be caught in the cage of rush.
I am one of the many here, who dream of fulfilling there dreams in this city, as it can be only here and nowhere else and at last fly away to be free forever.
I am a student of Engineering, doing Aeronautics. My college seems like ultimate bliss on the planet with never ending rave of hypocrites.
It was the place I always dreamt of to study the subject I loved the most and so far everything as turned so fine, I hope to carry on this for all four years of my stay here.
Got to go now,
See you soon.

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