Sunday, July 15, 2007

Max Payne 1 & 2

I am not too good with Mafia stories, so I have noting to comment on the story line. As all Mafia storyline there are lot of characters to take care of, lot of background things happening, conspiracies and everything. Never got a hold of it!

Coming to the game, it’s quite slow; get tired of running with his jacket shuffling from right to left. The bullet time does add its own taste and add a quirk to the game. Not much to think about strategies and puzzles (except in dreams), shoot, shoot and shoot. The comic type narrations give a feeling of rushing through the colored pages as we did in our childhood to anticipate the suspense yet to come; it gets us really involved.

It’s obvious that part II is better one of the two. The characterization, story line, buildup, controls and difficulty level are better. Even Max Payne’s dreams are less complex, I kind of got lost in his very first dream of Part I.

Mona Sax. She is hot and adds the glamour to the play. Her snipping, her residence in the FUN House and mysterious disappearance has set a unique tone to the game. Wonder how many of you tried playing the games with her clothes turned off.

Betrayal of Mona Sax and ending was quite clichéd as per me, but I enjoyed both the games.But I still have my opinions about third person shooters.


No one you would want to know. said...

thnx fr ur comment

i liked ur blog on bridge to teribithia

i must read tht book

ur a gamer?

Maverick said...

I am kind of a gamer, not in serious gaming though, one of my hobbies, a nice weekend get away for a change, what about you....