Sunday, July 15, 2007

Freedom Fighters

Story as in the Game
It is set in an alternate reality in which Soviet Union would never collapse and is all prepared to invade America. We played the role of “Chris” Christopher Stone; he is a plumber unlike most of the games in which we play role of a assassin, army personal, mafia or someone with an action background.
Very soon the state of this alternate world becomes clear as Red Soviet Army under the leadership of Gen. Tatarin march into Manhattan, bust into the house where Stone was working and arrests his brother Troy assuming him to be boy-friend of Isabella Angelina (Leader of the “Barning Against Reds” movement). Christopher manages to escape and gang up with other members of the Resistance.
Resistance have there base in underground sewer system. The place is quite roomy, but I have reasons to believe smelly too. Our Stone reach his new base on raft.
In the city Red Army has taken control over the New York City and all this information is transferred to us in form of a NEWS Telecast by Tatiana Kempinsky (SAFN Studio). I like it when she says- “Newscasters and other undesirables are sent to Alaska for "reeducation".”
This is where all the action starts now, Christopher Stone is included in the Resistance and his first mission is to rescue his brother from the Reds. After the success of his mission and many others he becomes a very prominent leader of the resistance and people start calling him “Freedom Phantom”.
Troy is relocated by the Red Army and force him to give a speech on television asking his brother surrender, but as he is being marched off, he regrabs the mike and ask Chris to continue his struggle. Troy is later executed by Tatarin in person.
To avenge Troy’s death and hurt Reds, resistance plans a mission to assassin Tatarin. Once again the Freedom Phantom is given this Mission Impossible: killing lion in his Den. Chris assasins Tatarin in the cover of darkness on Governer’s Island and escapes from the Reds who come down to island with re-enforcements.
When Chris returns to base he finds freedom fighters captured along with Isabella. The attack was carried under the leadership of Colonel Bulba (Tatarin's second-in-command) who was disguised as information provider for the Resistance as Mr. Jones, he reveals his identity by commenting on Americans and reveling his “Mr. Jones” tone- “… That’s what I love about Americans- one fingure up the nose and other on remote control...”
Stone manages to escape from the sewage and regroup with other escaped members of the resistance- Bagzton and the Kid.
Resistance goes in hibernation for months, till Kid finds out a SAFN floor map in, captured computer. Chris launches an assault on Studio and goes live and rallies people in the Soviet occupied America.
So, here is the last battle. Freedom Phantom launches an organized attack on Governor’s Island for the second time, but this time in much larger scale. There are helicopters, ships, rocket launchers and everything coming into picture. He captures the fort and frees Isabella.
In the end Isabella invites Chris to celebrate the victory, but he is upset and says that reds will come back with bigger guns. They both fall in love and a HAPPY ENDING.

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