Sunday, July 15, 2007

What does Society really want...?????

I was reading a blog entry by a lady from the opposite side of the globe. It showed her anguish, anger, frustration, loneliness and the void in her. I wonder is it the same with everyone. I could relate to every sentiment and emotion of hers. The society a product of human evolution has become so powerful today that it has started to manipulate us, mould us into what it want and not in what we are.

Trust me! It sometimes seems like we are afraid of ourselves. People call it teen-age rebellion, immaturity, but tell me- getting cloned into something, let me say a clerk for the society is that what we are. I am right clerk- working on well-defined instructions set by society, people we walk and talk with.

We can’t show our emotions, “Oh! You are so emotional”. We can’t shout at the people, who have hurt us, “You know dammit! That was insane to shout at him in public”. You burn your heart out for someone and they say- “Move off! Give me some room to live my own life, what do you want from Me.”; get too far- “I have never met a person as sensitive as you.”

Loving someone unconditionally is a crime, hating someone is insane. Live your life your way-“You are such a loner.” Meet people and socialize with them- “Get a life dammit!”

I no longer know what is right and what is wrong. I have decided to live the life that I want, do what I feel is right and take it in my own direction.

No matter if I walk my path of life- unheard-unknown. But I know even if I walk the path that society laid in front of me, I go nowhere; live a life in some corner of street, get monthly wages to sustain and that’s what I will have to do till the end of my life. Is that life, actually it is what we call- “Having no life”, and we hear of loss of creativity all around the world.

I don’t know, but all the people who I have ever considered role models realized this too, they were different. They knew it and never let the society suppress or take away this gift from them.

You know what is the way to live in this society- Have a Mona Lisa face to show to the society, the fitly rat society (if you didn’t know, rats live in society and if they are out-cast by there society they die. It’s a true fact.) And one that you save from society till it has matured enough to not get rotten by its stink- the true you, the unique you, the one that society worships.

It’s a vicious circle, it is but this is how we live and we are. With a thought of making better human-beings.


Justin Thyme said...

:-) Very well said! My own blog started out much the same way as the woman's you wrote about in the beginning. I was in a very dark place, full of despair and hopelessness. It took me reaching that point, though, to begin a journey into wholeness. I know that such a journey will never be completed - each day is a continuing step towards that end, and will be so until I draw my last breath. I've learned, though, that along that journey there will be shouts, catcalls and nay-sayers along the sidelines, and that sometimes the people who were once closest to us in those dark moments end up becoming a part of one's past, as they have difficulty seeing someone better themselves because it shines a light into their own insecurities and shortcomings. Perhaps that is the basis for the comments you list in this posting - that people in general have difficulty when faced with something that shines a light into their own dark existences, and they have trouble facing it. I hope, though, that you will always have the strength and courage to live life the way you feel is best for you, no matter what others may say. Just remember that those calling from the sideline are really not speaking about you - they are really commenting about themselves.

Maverick said...

Thanks a lot! If you have not notices, you are the first one to comment on my blog, so it means a lot.
Wow! Your poems are really nice, and I say it with all my heart as i was once a poet too...
Blogging has been such a nice experience so far and I no longer feel alone as I have met many who are just like me....
Hope to hear more from you...

Justin Thyme said...

:-) Well I am honored to be the first to comment, and look forward to reading more of your posts in the future! I've been thinking a lot about what you wrote in this particular post since I commented earlier, and so I reposted something on my own blog that might give you some more insight (at least, that's the hope of what I wrote).
I also hope you will continue to blog... when I first started mine, it was really to keep an online journal for myself, a place where I could write anything and everything, with only one rule - that I always be completely honest in what I wrote, no matter how painful or embarassing it might be to reveal much of what I've written about. In writing for just myself, I soon found that I had drawn others close to me through my blog who have helped and influenced my life in tremendously profound ways.
So keep it up!!! :-)